Remove empty spaces, lines, pages in MS Word

Identify special characters: In Word doc, press Ctrl+* => Paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols will be showed.
  • ^w : white space
  • ^l : manual line break
  • ^p : paragraph mark
  • ^t : tab character
  • ^m : manual page break
Press Ctrl+H => Do these Replace until not found:
  1. Multiple tabs => one tab: Find what: ^t^t. Replace with: ^t. If you want to convert tabs to white spaces, just Find what: ^t. Replace with (space)
  2. Multiple white spaces => one white space: Find what: (space)(space). Replace with: (space)
  3. Manual line breaks => Paragraph marks: Find what: ^l. Replace with: ^p 
  4. Manual page breaks => Paragraph marks: Find what: ^m. Replace with: ^p
  5. Find what: ^p(space). Replace with: ^p
  6. Find what: (space)^p. Replace with: ^p
  7. Multiple paragraph lines => one paragraph line: Find what: ^p^p. Replace with: ^p
If you want to do with many documents, make a macro.
Troubleshooting: Manual line breaks with Justify alignment sometimes cause not-well-formatting lines. For ex:
To correct this, do Find what: ^l then Replace with: ^p.
If you want the next line to be continued to the previous line, do Find what: ^l then Replace with: (space).


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