Embed Google Search Engine in your web page, blogs...

There are some ways to embed Google search engine into your web page, blogs...

1. Search only your site or whole world wide web

Customize where is bold and italic in this script, then embed into your web page:

skyofflowers.blogspot.com is your site address

<form action="http://www.google.com/custom">
<input name="q" size="20" type="text">
<input value="Search" type="submit"><br/>
<input name="sitesearch" value="skyofflowers.blogspot.com" checked="checked" type="radio"> Sky of Flowers
<input name="sitesearch" value="" type="radio"> Web</form>

The result:

Sky of Flowers Web

2. Search only your site

Customize where is bold and italic in this script, then embed into your web page:

skyofflowers.blogspot.com is your site address

<form action="http://www.google.com/custom">
<input name="q" size="20" type="text">
<input value="Search" type="submit">
<input name="sitesearch" value="skyofflowers.blogspot.com" type="hidden">

The result:

3. Use Google Custom Search Engine

  • Go to Google Custom Search Engine
  • Sign in if you haven't
  • Click the button Create a Custom Search Engine
  • Enter search engine info & choose option: Search engine name, language, sites to search, edition...
  • Click Next when ready
  • The next page show the Preview of your custom search engine, click Finish. Now, you have a new custom search engine.
On My search engines page, click control panel link of which search engine you want to customize. There are some categories:

  • Basic: search engine info & preferences
  • Sites: included and excluded sites to search
  • Indexing: indexing status & sitemap
  • Look and feel: customize your search box, search results, Google-hosted search results
  • Code: choose your suitable search results hosting option, then copy and paste Search box code script to your web page, blogs...
  • Advanced: advanced options. You may try Google AJAX Search API
  • Preview: preview your search engine and get code to embed
The result:

4. Embed Blogger search

Customize where is bold and italic in this script, then embed into your Blogger blog:

skyofflowers is your blog name

<form action="http://skyofflowers.blogspot.com/search">
<input name="q" size="25" type="text"/>
<input value="Search" type="submit"/>

The result:


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