All about Firefox cache

View Firefox cache

To view Firefox cache (similar to Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files):
  • Type about:cache?device=disk in address bar and Go. (Notes: You will see the Cache Directory but you can't browse it because it's encrypted).
  • Ctrl+F or press / and type keyword to find. Use F3 to go to next search result, Shift+F3 to go to previous search result.
Another way to browse the cache is to use CacheViewer add-on.

Or if you want to get Media files of the current page:
  • Go to menu Tools > Page Info > tab Media
  • Select what you want to get and click Save As... button.
Advanced Cache Config

Type about:config in address bar and Go:
  • browser.cache.check_doc_frequency
  • browser.cache.disk.capacity: disk cache size (in KB, 50000 means 50MB)
  • browser.cache.disk.enable: enable/disable disk cache
  • browser.cache.disk.parent_directory: disk cache directory, change this to move cache
  • browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl
  • browser.cache.memory.enable: enable/disable memory cache
Clear Cache

Go to menu Tools > Clear Private Data...

Refresh Page

To refresh page, you usually use Refresh button or F5 but sometimes browser may retrieve data from local cache instead of getting from server. To get the latest data from server directly, use Ctrl+F5.


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