Use Google Maps API to embed Google Map in your website

In previous post, I introduced the basic usage of Google Maps that most people can do. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use Google Maps API to embed Google Map in your website.... This tutorial is for advanced users who know Javascript and HTML programming.

Step 1 - Sign up for a Google Maps API key:
  1. Go to and Sign up for a Google Maps API key -> enter your web site URL in My web site URL, and check I have read and agree with the terms and conditions, then click Generate API Key.
    For example: I'll sign up for a Google Maps API key for my website

    The result:

  2. Now, you can copy example code to make an example web page and see how Google Maps works.
Step 2 - Explore example code:

<script src=";v=2&amp;key=ABQ...

This Javascript contains API key "ABQ..." is required for page using Google Maps. Use the API key you've got at Step 1.

function load() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);

This is main function to load a map.

var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); //create map object

map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13); //set the center view of map ~ where you want to display.

Method setCenter(...) has 2 arguments:
  1. Latitude and Longtitude as a GLatLng object
  2. Zoom level
In above example: latitude = 37.4419, longtitude = -122.1419, zoom level = 13

And maybe.... you want to know how to get latitude and longtitude of a place. Go to and search for one.

<body onload="load()" onunload="GUnload()">

This HTML script calls load() function defined above. It also has onunload event to prevent memory leaks

<div id="map" style="width: 500px; height: 300px"></div>

This HTML script makes a view to display map on web page. You can customize the width and height of the view.

Step 3 - Customize your map:

Based on the example code, you can modify it to suit your need.

1. Customize map type: use method setMapType(map_type). Standard map types:
  • G_NORMAL_MAP- the default view
  • G_SATELLITE_MAP - showing Google Earth satellite images
  • G_HYBRID_MAP - showing a mixture of normal and satellite views
  • G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES - an array of these three types, useful for iterative processing
For ex:

var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
G_HYBRID_MAP); //showing a mixture of normal and satellite views

2. Show a welcome message like a floating balloon: use method openInfoWindow(...)

map.openInfoWindow(map.getCenter(), document.createTextNode("Hello, world"));

3. Add Large Map control:

map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());

4. Add Small Map control:

map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());

5. Add Zoom In & Zoom Out buttons:

map.addControl(new GSmallZoomControl());

6. Add Map Type control:

map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());

7. Add a marker:

var options = {
title: "Welcome you!",
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), options);

8. Add a marker:

var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419));
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
var html = '<div style="width: 210px; padding-right: 10px;"><a href="">Welcome you!<\/a><\/div>';
GEvent.trigger(marker, "click");

Here is a modified sample.


5 steps to make a Blogger template by yourself

5 steps to make a Blogger template by yourself
blogger template, tutorial, web design

Part 1 - Overview

Step 1: Think to have an idea and outline blog appearance on paper with a pencil

This is the 1st step that most designers should do. It is not an exception for advanced bloggers who want their blogs to be unique. One of factors to make his/her blog unique is appearance/theme/skin of the blog. So, use a pencil to outline what you think and want your blog to be on a paper.

Step 2: Use graphics design tools to make your draft as image

You must know some graphics design tools, for ex: Photoshop...

Find images and use graphics design tools to make overview of your blog as image.

Step 3: Use web design tools to make your blog as HTML web page

You must know some web design tools, for ex: Dreamweaver, Fontpage... and HTML & CSS.

Prepare the images (slice a big image into pieces if required...). Use HTML and CSS to position and connect all parts of a page. You can use available templates to modify. FreeCSSTemplates has many templates ready for you.

Step 4: Make Blogger template

You must know XML and structure of a Blogger template. You can use existing Blogger template to modify.

Step 5: Apply new Blogger template to your blog

Part 2 - Structure of a Blogger template

Blogger template is an XML document. Root is <html> containing 2 parts:
  1. <head>: blog title & skin data (Variable definitions & CSS)
  2. <body>: blog content including blog header, blog posts, sidebar (contains widgets) and blog footer
* <b:skin>:

1. Variable definitions for using in CSS

<Variable name="variable_name" description="..." type="colorfontautomatic" default="default_value" value="...">

* Usage: $variable_name2. CSS

* Global definitions: *, body, h1, h2, h3, h4, p, blockquote, code, hr, ol, ul, ul li, a, a:hover, a:visited, img...

* CSS layout for 2-column blog (blog posts on left, sidebar on right):

| |--#header-inner
| |--#main-wrapper
| | |--#main
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |--.timestamp-link
| | | |--.comment-link
| | | |--#comments
| | | | |--h4: num of Comments
| | | | |--#comments-block
| | | | | |--.comment-author
| | | | | |--.comment-body
| | | | | |--.comment-timestamp
| | | |--#blog-pager
| | | | |--#home-link
| | | | |--#blog-pager-older-link
| | | | |--#blog-pager-newer-link
| | | |--.feed-links
| |--#sidebar-wrapper
| | |--#sidebar
| | | |--.widget
| | | | |--h2: widget title
| | | | |--.widget-content
| |--#footer

* <body> details may be customized as you like. The following structure is a basic structure of a Blogger template:

|-- wrap2
| |-- header-wrapper
| | |-- section id='header'
| | | |-- widget type='Header'
| | | | |-- includable id='main'
| | | | |-- header-inner
| |-- content-wrapper
| | |-- crosscol-wrapper
| | |-- main-wrapper
| | | |-- section id='main'
| | | | |-- widget type='Blog'
| | | | | |-- includable id='nextprev'
| | | | | | |-- blog-pager
| | | | | | | |-- blog-pager-newer-link
| | | | | | | |-- blog-pager-older-link
| | | | | | | |-- home-link
| | | | | |-- includable id='backlinks'
| | | | | |-- includable id='post'
| | | | | | |-- post hentry
| | | | | | | |-- <h3 class='post-title entry-title'></h3>
| | | | | | | |-- post-body entry-content
| | | | | | | |-- post-footer
| | | | | | | | |-- post-author vcard
| | | | | | | | |-- post-timestamp
| | | | | | | | | |-- timestamp-link
| | | | | | | | |-- post-comment-link
| | | | | | | | | |-- comment-link
| | | | | | | | |-- post-icons
| | | | | | | | |-- post-labels
| | | | | |-- includable id='commentDeleteIcon'
| | | | | |-- includable id='status-message'
| | | | | |-- includable id='feedLinks'
| | | | | |-- includable id='comment-form'
| | | | | |-- includable id='backlinkDeleteIcon'
| | | | | |-- includable id='feedLinksBody'
| | | | | |-- includable id='postQuickEdit'
| | | | | |-- includable id='comments'
| | | | | | |-- <h4>data:post.numComments</h4>
| | | | | | |-- paging-control-container
| | | | | | |-- comments-block
| | | | | | | |-- comment-author
| | | | | | | |-- comment-body
| | | | | | | |-- comment-footer
| | | | | | | | |-- comment-timestamp
| | | | | | |-- paging-control-container
| | | | | | |-- comment-footer
| | | | | | | |-- data:postCommentMsg
| | | | | | |-- backlinks-container
| | | | | |-- includable id='main'
| | |-- sidebar-wrapper
| | | |-- section id='sidebar': contains all widgets, each widget is in <b:widget> </b:widget> tag. Here are some typical widgets:
| | | | |-- widget type='BlogArchive'
| | | | | |-- includable id='main'
| | | | | | |-- <h2>widget title</h2>
| | | | | | |-- widget-content
| | | | |-- widget type='Label'
| | | | |-- widget type='HTML'
| | | | |-- widget type='LinkList'
| | | | |-- ...
| |-- footer-wrapper
| | |-- section id='footer'

| | |-- anything you want to display at the bottom of blog page

* b namespace:

<b:skin> to define template style, including variable definitions and CSS
<b:section> contains zero or many <b:widget>
<b:widget> contains one or many <b:includable>

| <b:widget>
| | <b:includable>...</b:includable>
| | |...
| | <b:includable>...</b:includable>
| </b:widget>
| ...
| <b:widget>
| | <b:includable>...</b:includable>
| | |...
| | <b:includable>...</b:includable>
| </b:widget>

* Conditional structure:

<b:if cond='...'>
do something if condition is true...
do something if condition is false...

* Iteration structure:

<b:loop values='...' var='...'>
do something if condition is true...

* data namespace:
  • data:blog.pageTitle: blog name, blog title
  • data:blog.homepageUrl: blog homepage Url
  • data:blog.url
  • data:description
  • data:homeMsg
  • data:newerPageUrl
  • data:newerPageTitle
  • data:widget.instanceId
  • data:olderPageUrl
  • data:olderPageTitle
  • data:post.backlinksLabel
  • data:post.numBacklinks
  • data:post.backlinks
  • data:backlink.url
  • data:backlink.title
  • data:backlink.snippet
  • data:post.authorLabel
  • data:post.timestampLabel
  • data:backlink.timestamp
  • data:post.createLinkUrl
  • data:post.createLinkLabel
  • data:post.title
  • data:post.url
  • data:post.body
  • data:top.showAuthor
  • data:top.authorLabel
  • data:top.showTimestamp
  • data:top.timestampLabel
  • data:post.timestampISO8601
  • data:post.timestamp
  • data:blog.pageType
  • data:post.allowComments
  • data:post.addCommentUrl
  • data:post.addCommentOnclick
  • data:post.numComments
  • data:top.commentLabel
  • data:top.commentLabelPlural
  • data:post.emailPostUrl
  • data:top.emailPostMsg
  • data:post.labels
  • data:postLabelsLabel
  • data:label.url
  • data:label.isLast
  • data:comment.adminClass
  • data:comment.deleteUrl
  • data:top.deleteCommentMsg
  • data:navMessage
  • data:feedLinks
  • data:posts
  • data:post.feedLinks
  • data:postCommentMsg
  • data:blogCommentMessage
  • data:post.commentFormIframeSrc
  • data:backlink.adminClass
  • data:backlink.deleteUrl
  • data:top.deleteBacklinkMsg
  • data:feedLinksMsg
  • data:links
  • data:f.url
  • data:f.mimeType
  • data:f.feedType
  • data:post.editUrl
  • data:post.adminClass
  • data:post.editUrl
  • data:top.editPostMsg
  • data:post.commentPagingRequired
  • data:post.oldLinkClass
  • data:post.oldestLinkUrl
  • data:post.oldestLinkText
  • data:post.olderLinkUrl
  • data:post.olderLinkText
  • data:post.newLinkClass
  • data:post.newerLinkUrl
  • data:post.newerLinkText
  • data:post.newestLinkUrl
  • data:post.newestLinkText
  • data:post.comments
  • data:comment.authorClass
  • data:comment.anchorName
  • data:comment.authorUrl
  • data:commentPostedByMsg
  • data:comment.isDeleted
  • data:comment.body
  • data:comment.url
  • data:comment.timestamp
  • data:post.embedCommentForm
  • data:post.showBacklinks
  • data:posts
  • data:post.dateHeader
  • data:post.includeAd
  • data:adEnd
  • data:adCode
  • data:adStart
  • data:top.showStars
  • data:top.languageCode
  • data:top.blogspotReviews
  • data:title
  • data:content
  • data:link
  • data:height
  • data:sourceUrl
  • data:caption
  • data:style
  • data:data
  • data:i.url
  • data:intervalData
  • data:i.expclass
  • data:i.posts
  • data:interval.toggleId
  • data:interval.expclass
  • data:widget.actionUrl
  • data:interval.toggleId
  • data:toggleopen
  • data:blog.languageDirection
  • data:labels
  • data:label.url
  • data:label.count
  • data:links
To use data within HTML tag, add prefix "expr:" to HTML tag atttribute. For ex: <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' expr:title='data:blog.pageTitle'><data:blog.pageTitle/><a>

Part 3 - Using Blogger template

* Apply a blogger template:
  • After making or downloading a blogger template as XML file, open the file and copy file content to clipboard.
  • Go to Layout -> Edit HTML -> paste content to Edit Template text box.
  • Click Preview to see the preview of new template, or click Save Template to apply new template, or click Clear Edits to reverse old template.
* Backup/Restore template:
  • Go to Layout -> Edit HTML -> Backup/Restore Template -> click Download Full Template to backup your current template.
  • Go to Layout -> Edit HTML -> Backup/Restore Template -> Browse template file and click Upload to restore a template.
Part 4 - Tips

* To hide Blogger navigation bar, include this definition in CSS section:

#navbar-iframe {

* Use Firebug (a plugin of Firefox) to explore the structure of any web page as well as blogger page and it will help you make CSS.

Embed Google Search Engine in your web page, blogs...

There are some ways to embed Google search engine into your web page, blogs...

1. Search only your site or whole world wide web

Customize where is bold and italic in this script, then embed into your web page: is your site address

<form action="">
<input name="q" size="20" type="text">
<input value="Search" type="submit"><br/>
<input name="sitesearch" value="" checked="checked" type="radio"> Sky of Flowers
<input name="sitesearch" value="" type="radio"> Web</form>

The result:

Sky of Flowers Web

2. Search only your site

Customize where is bold and italic in this script, then embed into your web page: is your site address

<form action="">
<input name="q" size="20" type="text">
<input value="Search" type="submit">
<input name="sitesearch" value="" type="hidden">

The result:

3. Use Google Custom Search Engine

  • Go to Google Custom Search Engine
  • Sign in if you haven't
  • Click the button Create a Custom Search Engine
  • Enter search engine info & choose option: Search engine name, language, sites to search, edition...
  • Click Next when ready
  • The next page show the Preview of your custom search engine, click Finish. Now, you have a new custom search engine.
On My search engines page, click control panel link of which search engine you want to customize. There are some categories:

  • Basic: search engine info & preferences
  • Sites: included and excluded sites to search
  • Indexing: indexing status & sitemap
  • Look and feel: customize your search box, search results, Google-hosted search results
  • Code: choose your suitable search results hosting option, then copy and paste Search box code script to your web page, blogs...
  • Advanced: advanced options. You may try Google AJAX Search API
  • Preview: preview your search engine and get code to embed
The result:

4. Embed Blogger search

Customize where is bold and italic in this script, then embed into your Blogger blog:

skyofflowers is your blog name

<form action="">
<input name="q" size="25" type="text"/>
<input value="Search" type="submit"/>

The result:

Embed Google Map in your web page, blogs...

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in if you haven't.
  3. Go to My Maps -> click Create new map -> enter Map Title, Description and choose option (Public: anyone can find your map, Unlisted: only you know your map).

On edit map mode:

  1. Search a place you want, Zoom In/Out and choose some map options (Traffic (show traffic) / More... (photos, Wikipedia) / Map (show street map) / Satellite (show labels) / Terrain (show street map with terrain)) for your best view.
    For ex: If I want to find "Google Headquarter", I'll enter keyword "Google Headquarter" on search text box and click Search Maps. Google Maps will display some results on left sidebar. Click the result to view it on map.

  2. If you want to mark a place that hasn't been marked yet. Click and put placemark on where to you want to mark -> Enter Title, Description for it -> click OK to accept info, or Cancel to cancel info, or Delete to delete this placemark.
  3. After finding out or marking wanted place. Go to My Maps again and click Save to save the map.
  4. To embed your map, click on the top-right map, it'll show a pop-up, Paste link in Email or IM, or Paste HTML to embed in website, or Customize and preview embed map.

  5. Click Done to finish your map.
The result:

View Larger Map